Where I find God?

I often ask my clients, “where do you find God?”

My curiosity gets the best of me and I wonder, is it within the white marble walls of a sacred temple, or amidst the bird songs chirping at camp, or is it in the depths of your own heart? The search for the Divine is a deeply personal, sacred spiritual journey that transcends beliefs and religious boundaries. It is your own unique, intimate experience that will be like no other.

When life began to soften my edges, opening me up to the possibility that there may be something greater than myself making life happen, things began to shift + change. I noticed the question, “where I find God” was coming up less and less because the truth of the matter was that I was beginning to find God everywhere. I grew up Catholic, going to church three Sunday’s a month and spent the fourth Sunday camping in the woods. A family of seven plus our two dogs would pack up in a baby blue VW bus attached to a fire engine red trailer chock full of food, supplies and water in tow.

Here’s the beautiful thing: Both church + nature answered the question, “Where I find God?” Because I found and felt God in both.

In church I felt reverence, devotion, the power of prayer and a whisper of delight through voice + song. Today, if I close my eyes and bring myself back, I can still smell the blended aroma of frankincense, myrrh, wine and sandalwood wafting through the air. The Church felt structured, dependable, consistent, predictable, yet it also brought peace + quiet. A sense of Unity within the community. Hopeful with purpose. As I reflect back, it felt as if The Church brought a controlled comfort for me, a harmonious life within the constructs of a prescribed Way that provided safety within the uncertainty. The Church was an agent of social control, bringing both purpose + meaning within an ocean of hope. And of course, it provided the possibility that prayer would bring more positivity into one’s life, both inside and outside The Church. 

In the forest there was freedom, expansion, a light warmth that kissed my skin. The air was playful, we swam, sang, chased butterflies, filled our bellies with camp food leaving us with barely enough to crawl wearily inside the heavy, humid, canvas tents to snuggle in for sleep. I learned the simplicity of nature just from sensing the freedom I felt being around our mom in this space. It instantly calmed her stress, soothed her Soul. We baked our birthday cakes in cardboard boxes lined with foil upon an open fire, never quite certain if this tradition came from an old Girl Scout Book or from the Wisdom of our Elders.

In both places, there lived God, this Divine Consciousness, this Grace.

I share more gems with you, of Where I find God as my intention in writing this piece is to hopefully leave you with the loving remembrance of all of the places where to find God.

Stillness and Meditation: Where I Find God

As many of you know and already practice, finding God in meditation has the potential to bring pure bliss. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives so finding moments of stillness can be a challenge. However, it is in these quiet, still moments that we can tune in to the divine presence within us and find God. Through meditation, we can calm the monkey mind, allowing us to connect with the deeper aspects of our being, our purity, our bliss. In this state of tranquility, we may experience a profound sense of expansion and unity with the universe, a realization that we are part of something greater. 

Acts of Kindness, Compassion and Gratitude: Where I Find God

God is often found in the gestures of love and compassion we extend to others. When we lend a helping hand to those in need, show compassion to someone going through a difficult time, or simply offer a listening ear, we become vessels of divine grace. It is through these acts of selflessness that we embody the essence of God's unconditional love and bring light into the lives of others. Gratitude for your life and all things in it, is for me, one of the quickest ways to find God.

Sacred Texts and Spiritual Teachings: Where I Find God

Many find God through the wisdom contained in sacred texts and spiritual teachings. Whether it be the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, or other revered scriptures, these texts provide guidance and inspire us to live a more meaningful and purposeful life. Exploring the profound truths and moral teachings within these texts can deepen our understanding of God and our connection to the divine.

Personal Reflection and Self-Discovery: Where I Find God

The journey to find God is also a journey of self-discovery which can lead to self - mastery. By engaging in introspection and cultivating awareness of your inner state, we can uncover our true essence and find the divine spark within ourselves. Through practices such as journaling, contemplation, and self-reflection, we can gain clarity about our values, purpose, and the presence of God in our lives. As we delve deeper into our inner world, we may find that God is not a distant entity but a constant companion within us.

My truth is this: the search for God brings us infinite paths to explore.

Whether it is through the wonders of nature, the stillness of meditation, acts of kindness, gratitude, sacred texts, or personal reflection, the divine can be found in every aspect of our lives. It is up to us to embark and stay committed to  this spiritual journey with an open heart and an inquisitive mind. As we dive into the depths of our souls and connect with the world around us, we will undoubtedly discover the presence of God, guiding us on the path of love, compassion, and spiritual growth.

I do my level best to find God in All Things. 

If I don’t find God in All, there really is no God at all.  

Peace be with you.