​Truth: We all do at varying degrees. Every maladaptive behavior you have was once a life-saver. In other words, the bad habits you wish you could kick were more than likely developed in an effort to:​

Regain a sense of control in your life, protect yourself from harm, numb yourself to pain, and/or continue to “function” when you really need to stop & take care of yourself.

The latest leading experts all agree: it’s not the traumatic event itself that has the ripple effect on our lives. It’s the survival patterns” we create in order to manage or bypass our pain. Addictions, eating disorders, avoidant behaviors and even people-pleasing have one thing in common:

They’re ALL trauma reactions.


It doesn’t matter how “easy” or “hard” you think your life has been, everyone carries trauma in their bodies.

Watch this video where I talk about trauma reactions, how imperative it is to recognize & accept what’s happening + the conscious choices that lead to authentic inner peace.

If you need support, reach out to Catherine to set up a Free 30-minute Clarity Session.



We are not meant to heal alone. In all the work I do with clients we use my 2 books as a guide – I share the #1 method that helped me heal from 911 and how you can heal + help others. Also below is a short video where I guide you to a place of inner calm – a practice you can do in any environment.


“Something shifted. I feel like I finally...

(as in finally after years and decades and yugas) – got Home.

H O M E.

Home with God. 

Something I have been longing for all my Life.”

— Megan

We heal when we share our stories.

I've been a yogini for a long time and what I can tell you is this: until I really started paying attention to my breath, where it wasn't just another "cue" in a yoga class to breathe, but a conscious choice to keep all of my awareness on the movement of my breath, is when my entire practice began to shift and change. 

Learning to breathe consciously is when my life changed.  

Breath brings radiance, vibrancy, clarity and calm.  It's what keeps your nervous system healthy & strong, your brain nourished and is our commitment to our "inner fitness"  in order to maintain a healthy, stable, clear state of mind. 


Whether you are a seasoned breather or brand new to being aware of your breath, this Breathwork Summit Interview brings the medicine you need in order to go to YOUR next level of radiance.